Email Marketing Magic in WordPress for Small Business Owners (Lunch & Learn)

“What’s the best time to send an email blast?”

“Mailchimp seems like a headache.”

“What should I write in my email blasts?”

“Who should I market to in my email blasts?”

“How do I build an email list?”

In this interactive conversation, WordPress marketing guru, Toby Cryns, will walk you through how he uses mass email automations to:

– Keep existing customers engaged
– Save scores of hours per month
– Sell more
– Provide more value for less work
– Work smarter & not harder

Toby will share:
* His favorite WordPress plugins for email automation
* His real-life Mailchimp workflows
* How to leverage free email drip content to maximize your impact with leads, current customers, and past customers.
* How & where to buy email leads.
* and More!


Learn More About Toby Cryns: